Prevent Acrylics from Lifting: Proven Tips & Tricks

  • By: Michael Smith
  • Time to read: 13 min.
Michael Smith
I'm Michael Smith, the founder and creative director of Art and Drawing. With over a decade of experience in the art and design industry, my keen eye for detail and passion for creating inspiring artwork drive my work. I'm dedicated to capturing the world's beauty through vibrant, expressive pieces that spark imagination and emotion.

Acrylic nails are a popular choice for those seeking long-lasting, durable manicures. However, nothing ruins the look more than acrylic nail lifting. If you’ve experienced this frustrating issue, don’t worry – there are solutions! In this article, we’ll discuss effective tips and tricks to prevent acrylics from lifting and ensure your manicure stays flawless and intact.

From finding the right nail technician to proper nail care techniques, we’ve got you covered. Say goodbye to the discomfort and disappointment of acrylic nail lifting and hello to beautiful, long-lasting nails.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose an experienced nail technician for proper application.
  • Use high-quality nail glue to ensure a strong bond.
  • Maintain strong natural nails through good nail hygiene.
  • Avoid excessive pressure during application to prevent lifting.
  • Regularly moisturize your cuticles and practice proper nail care.

Understanding Acrylic Nails: What are They?

Acrylic nails are a popular choice for those seeking durable and long-lasting manicures. They are created using a blend of powder and liquid monomers, which are then molded onto your nails and air-dried. The result is a strong and sturdy nail enhancement that can withstand daily activities.

One of the key benefits of acrylic nails is their ability to give the illusion of longer, healthier nails. They can be shaped and designed to your preference, allowing for a personalized look. Additionally, acrylic nails come in various colors and styles, providing endless possibilities when it comes to expressing your style.

Some of the advantages of acrylic nails include:

  • Chip-Free Nature: Acrylic nails are resistant to chipping, keeping your manicure looking fresh for longer periods.
  • Disguise Imperfections: If you have weak or damaged natural nails, acrylic nails can help conceal any imperfections, giving you a flawless appearance.
  • Add Glamor: Acrylic nails have a certain allure that can add a touch of glamor to any outfit or occasion.

When cared for properly, acrylic nails can provide beautiful, long-lasting manicures that are sure to turn heads.

Benefits of Acrylic Nails
Chip-Free Nature Disguise Imperfections Adds Glamor
Resistant to chipping, keeping your manicure looking fresh. Conceals weak or damaged natural nails, providing a flawless appearance. Adds a touch of glamor to any outfit or occasion.

Why Do Acrylic Nails Hurt?

Acrylic nails have become a popular choice for those seeking long-lasting, beautiful manicures. However, it’s not uncommon for acrylic nails to cause discomfort and pain. Understanding the reasons behind acrylic nail pain can help you address these issues and prevent any damage to your natural nails. Here are some common factors that may contribute to acrylic nail pain:

  1. Poor Application: If acrylic nails are applied improperly, such as using too much pressure during application or not blending the acrylic properly, it can lead to pain and discomfort.
  2. Low-Quality Nail Glue: The quality of the nail glue used can also play a role in acrylic nail pain. Using low-quality glue may result in irritation and discomfort.
  3. Tightening of Acrylics: As acrylics dry, they tend to contract and tighten. This tightening can sometimes cause pressure and discomfort on the natural nails.
  4. Inexperienced Nail Technicians: Nail technicians who lack experience and proper training may not know how to apply acrylics correctly, leading to pain and discomfort.
  5. Nail Breakage: If an acrylic nail breaks, it can cause pain and even expose the natural nail bed, leading to further discomfort.
  6. Injuries Under the Nail: Accidents or injuries to the nail bed can cause pain and sensitivity when acrylic nails are applied.
  7. Incorrectly Prepared Cuticles: If the cuticles are not properly prepared before applying acrylics, it can cause pain and discomfort.

Addressing these issues can help minimize discomfort and prevent damage to your natural nails. It is important to consult with a professional nail technician who can provide guidance on proper application techniques and recommend high-quality products to ensure a comfortable and pain-free acrylic nail experience.

Remember, while acrylic nails can enhance the beauty of your hands, it’s essential to prioritize your nail health and seek professional advice if you experience any pain or discomfort.

Reasons for Acrylic Nail Pain Possible Solutions
Poor Application Find an experienced nail technician
Ask for proper blending and application techniques
Low-Quality Nail Glue Invest in high-quality nail glue
Avoid products with harsh chemicals
Tightening of Acrylics Choose a nail technician who carefully monitors the drying process
Opt for regular fills to prevent excessive tightening
Inexperienced Nail Technicians Research and choose licensed nail technicians with positive reviews
Communicate your concerns and ask questions before getting acrylic nails
Nail Breakage Avoid excessive pressure on your nails
Consider shorter lengths or alternative nail extensions if nail breakage is a recurring issue
Injuries Under the Nail Seek medical attention for any injuries or accidents involving your nails
Inform your nail technician about the injury before getting acrylics
Incorrectly Prepared Cuticles Regularly maintain your cuticles with gentle exfoliation and moisturization
Use cuticle oil to keep the cuticles soft and healthy
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Tips for Preventing Acrylic Nail Lifting

To ensure your acrylic nails stay intact and free from lifting, it’s important to follow certain preventive measures. By taking these steps, you can minimize the chances of experiencing any issues with your acrylic nails.

Here are some techniques to avoid acrylic nail lifting:

  1. Find an experienced nail technician: Choose a reliable and experienced nail technician who has a good track record with acrylic nail application. Their expertise will play a crucial role in preventing lifting.
  2. Use high-quality nail glue: Invest in a high-quality nail glue that is specifically formulated for acrylic nails. This will ensure a strong bond between your natural nails and the acrylics, reducing the risk of lifting.
  3. Avoid excessive pressure during application: Applying too much pressure during the application process can cause the acrylics to lift. Gently press the acrylics onto your nails without applying excessive force.
  4. Keep your natural nails strong: Weak and brittle natural nails are more prone to lifting. Take steps to strengthen your natural nails by regularly moisturizing them and incorporating a nail strengthening treatment into your nail care routine.
  5. Maintain proper nail hygiene: Cleanliness is essential for preventing lifting. Keep your nails clean and dry, and avoid prolonged exposure to water or excessive moisture, as they can weaken the bond between the acrylics and your natural nails.
  6. Choose the right length and shape: Opt for a length and shape that suits your lifestyle and daily activities. Nails that are too long or shaped in a way that puts excessive stress on the tips are more likely to lift.

By incorporating these techniques into your acrylic nail routine, you can prevent acrylic nail lifting and enjoy beautiful, long-lasting nails.

Expert Tip:

“Regular maintenance and proper care are key to preventing acrylic nail lifting. Remember to schedule regular touch-up appointments with your nail technician to address any lifting or potential issues before they worsen.”

Preventive Measures Effectiveness
Finding an experienced nail technician Highly effective
Using high-quality nail glue Very effective
Avoiding excessive pressure during application Effective
Keeping natural nails strong Effective
Maintaining proper nail hygiene Effective
Choosing the right length and shape Effective

How to Care for Acrylic Nails

Proper care and maintenance are essential for keeping your acrylic nails in good condition and preventing lifting. By following these tips, you can ensure that your nails stay beautiful and intact for longer:

  1. Avoid submerging your nails in water for extended periods. Prolonged exposure to water can weaken the bond between the acrylic and your natural nails, leading to lifting.
  2. Carry nail glue and a nail buffer with you for quick touch-ups. If you notice any signs of lifting or chipping, apply a small amount of nail glue to secure the acrylic back in place and use the buffer to smooth out any rough edges.
  3. Moisturize your cuticles daily. Dry cuticles can cause the acrylic to lift, so keeping them moisturized will help maintain a strong bond between the acrylic and your natural nails. Use a cuticle oil or cream to keep them hydrated.
  4. Use your hands carefully to prevent damage to the nails. Avoid using your nails as tools or subjecting them to excessive pressure that can lead to lifting or breakage.

If you notice any signs of lifting, such as a visible gap between the acrylic and your natural nail or a change in the sound when tapping the nail, it is important to address them promptly. Applying nail glue to the lifted area and pressing the acrylic down firmly can help prevent further damage and prolong the life of your manicure.

Remember, proper care and maintenance are crucial for the longevity of your acrylic nails. By following these tips, you can enjoy beautiful, long-lasting manicures without the worry of lifting.

Expert Tip: Nail Tools

“Invest in a good-quality nail glue and a nail buffer. These tools can be lifesavers when it comes to maintaining your acrylic nails. Having them handy will allow you to fix any lifting or chipping quickly, keeping your manicure looking flawless.” – Nail Technician, Sarah Thompson

How to Rescue a Ruined Acrylic Brush

A common problem when working with acrylic nails is a ruined acrylic brush. This occurs when acrylic residue hardens in the bristles, rendering the brush unusable. Thankfully, there are effective methods to save a ruined acrylic brush and restore its functionality.

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Follow these steps to clean your acrylic nail brush:

  1. Begin by soaking the brush in acetone. This will dissolve the hardened acrylic and loosen its grip on the bristles.
  2. After soaking for a few minutes, gently scrape off the loosened acrylic residue using a wooden cuticle pusher or a clean, disposable nail brush.
  3. Next, soak the brush in a monomer solution, which will further dissolve any remaining acrylic and condition the bristles.
  4. Allow the brush to soak for a few minutes, then gently massage the bristles to remove any stubborn traces of acrylic.
  5. Rinse the brush thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue from the cleaning solutions.
  6. Finally, reshape the brush gently, allowing it to dry completely before storing it in a clean, dry container.
Materials Needed:
Wooden cuticle pusher or clean, disposable nail brush
Monomer solution

Taking proper care of your acrylic brush and preventing it from getting ruined in the first place is the best approach. Clean your brush thoroughly after each use by rinsing it with monomer and wiping off any excess residue. Avoid letting acrylic residue harden in the bristles, as this can lead to irreversible damage.

By implementing these cleaning techniques, you can salvage a ruined acrylic brush and extend its lifespan, ensuring smooth and precise application for your acrylic nails.

Preventing Acrylic Nail Lifting: Expert Tips

When it comes to avoiding acrylic nail lifting, following expert tips and professional advice can make all the difference. By implementing these tried-and-true techniques, you can enjoy longer-lasting and more beautiful acrylic manicures. Here are some expert tips to help you prevent acrylic nail lifting:

  1. Maintain a proper liquid-to-powder ratio during the application process. By achieving the right consistency, you ensure a strong bond between the acrylic and your natural nails.
  2. Use a primer to prep your natural nails before applying the acrylic. This step helps create a solid foundation and enhances the adhesion of the acrylic.
  3. Avoid excessive thickness in the application of acrylic. Applying too much product can lead to increased tension and ultimately cause lifting.
  4. Practice proper filing and shaping techniques. Smooth edges and a well-shaped nail surface help prevent snagging and lifting.

Listening to your clients’ feedback and addressing any concerns they may have is crucial for a comfortable and long-lasting acrylic nail experience. By openly communicating with your nail technician and providing feedback, you can work together to achieve the best possible result.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to acrylic nail lifting. By following these expert tips and incorporating them into your nail care routine, you can enjoy beautiful and durable acrylic nails without the worry of lifting.

Expert Tip:

“Maintaining a proper liquid-to-powder ratio is essential for preventing acrylic nail lifting. This ensures a strong bond and extends the life of your manicure.” – Emily Thompson, Professional Nail Technician

Following these expert tips and professional advice will help you maintain flawless acrylic nails that last. Take care of your nails properly, and you’ll enjoy long-lasting beauty!

Expert Tip Description
Maintain a proper liquid-to-powder ratio Ensures a strong bond and prevents lifting
Use a primer Preps natural nails for better adhesion
Avoid excessive thickness Reduces tension and minimizes lifting
Practice proper filing and shaping Creates smooth nails and prevents snagging

The Importance of Nail Care

In addition to preventing acrylic nail lifting, prioritizing nail care is essential for maintaining healthy and beautiful nails. By following these tips and practices, you can promote strong and resilient natural nails and enjoy the benefits of long-lasting acrylic manicures.

Maintain Proper Nail Hygiene

Regularly cleaning and caring for your nails is crucial to prevent infections and promote overall nail health. Here are some essential nail hygiene practices:

  • Keep your nails clean and dry to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi.
  • Trim your nails regularly to avoid breakage.
  • Use a gentle nail brush to remove dirt and debris from under the nails.
  • Avoid biting or picking at your nails, as this can damage the nail bed.

Moisturize Your Cuticles

Keeping your cuticles moisturized is vital for maintaining healthy nail growth. Here’s what you can do:

  • Apply cuticle oil or cream regularly to keep them hydrated.
  • Gently push back your cuticles using a cuticle pusher or orange stick.
  • Avoid cutting your cuticles, as they act as a protective barrier against infection.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Excessive Filing

Exposing your nails to harsh chemicals and excessive filing can weaken them and lead to brittleness. Consider the following:

  • Use gloves when using cleaning products or chemicals that can damage your nails.
  • Limit the use of nail polish removers containing acetone, as they can dry out your nails.
  • Avoid excessive filing or buffing, as this can thin the nail plate.

Give Your Natural Nails a Break

While acrylic nails can enhance your look, it’s crucial to allow your natural nails to breathe and rejuvenate. Here’s how:

  • Take breaks between acrylic applications to allow your natural nails to grow and regenerate.
  • Consider using a strengthening polish or treatment to nourish your natural nails.
  • Practice good nail care habits during breaks, such as moisturizing and trimming your nails.
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Remember, nail care goes beyond preventing acrylic nail lifting. By prioritizing proper hygiene, moisturizing cuticles, avoiding harsh chemicals, and giving your natural nails a break, you can achieve and maintain healthy and beautiful nails.


In conclusion, preventing acrylic nail lifting is essential to maintain flawless and long-lasting manicures. By implementing proper application techniques, using high-quality products, and practicing regular maintenance, you can significantly reduce the chances of acrylic nail lifting. Remember to consult with a professional nail technician if you have any concerns or doubts about your acrylic nails. Their expertise and guidance can help you achieve beautiful and healthy nails.

Follow the tips and advice provided in this article, such as finding an experienced nail technician, using quality nail glue, maintaining strong natural nails, and practicing proper nail care. By paying attention to detail and giving your nails the care they deserve, you can enjoy the benefits of stunning acrylic manicures without the worry of lifting.

Remember, prevention is key. By incorporating these preventive measures into your nail care routine, you can ensure that your acrylic nails stay intact and preserve their beauty. By investing time and effort into maintaining your acrylic nails, you can proudly show off your flawless and long-lasting manicures.


How can I prevent acrylics from lifting?

To prevent acrylics from lifting, it is essential to find an experienced nail technician, use high-quality nail glue, and avoid applying excessive pressure during application. Additionally, maintaining strong natural nails, practicing proper nail hygiene, and choosing the right length and shape for your acrylic nails can help prevent lifting.

What are acrylic nails and what are their benefits?

Acrylic nails are a blend of powder and liquid monomers that are molded onto your nails and air-dried. They are known for their durability and long-lasting nature. Acrylic nails can give the illusion of longer, healthier nails and come in various colors and styles. Some of the benefits of acrylic nails include their chip-free nature, ability to disguise imperfections in natural nails, and their ability to add a touch of glamor to any outfit.

Why do acrylic nails sometimes hurt?

There are several reasons why acrylic nails may cause discomfort or pain. Some common reasons include improper application, use of low-quality nail glue, inexperienced nail technicians, nail breakage, injuries under the nail, and incorrectly prepared cuticles. It is important to address these issues to prevent damage to the natural nails and alleviate any discomfort or pain associated with acrylic nails.

What are some tips for preventing acrylic nail lifting?

To prevent acrylic nail lifting, it is important to maintain a proper liquid-to-powder ratio during application, use a primer to prep the natural nails, avoid excessive thickness in acrylic application, and practice proper filing and shaping techniques. It is also important to listen to your clients’ feedback and address any concerns they may have to ensure a comfortable and long-lasting acrylic nail experience.

How should I care for acrylic nails?

Proper care and maintenance are crucial for keeping acrylic nails in good condition and preventing lifting. This includes avoiding submerging your nails in water for extended periods, carrying nail glue and a nail buffer with you for quick touch-ups, moisturizing your cuticles daily, and using your hands carefully to prevent damage to the nails. Additionally, if you notice any signs of lifting, it is important to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

How can I rescue a ruined acrylic brush?

If your acrylic brush becomes ruined due to hardened acrylic residue, there are ways to rescue it. Soak the brush in acetone to dissolve the hardened acrylic, gently scrape off the acrylic residue, and then soak the brush in monomer to restore and rehydrate the bristles. Taking proper care of your acrylic brush and preventing it from getting ruined in the first place is the best approach.

What are some expert tips for preventing acrylic nail lifting?

Experts recommend maintaining a proper liquid-to-powder ratio during application, using a primer to prep the natural nails, avoiding excessive thickness in acrylic application, and practicing proper filing and shaping techniques. It is also important to listen to your clients’ feedback and address any concerns they may have to ensure a comfortable and long-lasting acrylic nail experience.

Why is nail care important?

Maintaining proper nail care is essential for promoting the health and strength of your natural nails. This includes maintaining proper nail hygiene, moisturizing the cuticles, avoiding harsh chemicals and excessive filing, and giving your natural nails a break from acrylics from time to time. By following these nail care tips, you can maintain beautiful and healthy nails.