Smooth Gesso Application Tips – Quick Guide

  • By: Michael Smith
  • Time to read: 13 min.
Michael Smith
I'm Michael Smith, the founder and creative director of Art and Drawing. With over a decade of experience in the art and design industry, my keen eye for detail and passion for creating inspiring artwork drive my work. I'm dedicated to capturing the world's beauty through vibrant, expressive pieces that spark imagination and emotion.

Welcome to our quick guide on achieving a smooth gesso finish! Gesso is an essential primer used to prepare surfaces for painting, creating the perfect foundation for your art projects. Applying gesso properly is key to achieving professional-grade results. In this guide, we’ll provide you with valuable tips and techniques for smooth gesso application, ensuring that your artwork shines.

Key Takeaways:

  • Properly applying gesso is crucial for achieving a smooth finish in your paintings.
  • Gesso creates a textured and absorbent surface, allowing acrylic paint to adhere seamlessly.
  • There are different types of gesso available, including white, clear, black, and colored gesso, each with its own uses.
  • When applying gesso, use a wide, flat brush and apply thin, even coats. Sanding between layers can help create a smoother surface.
  • Prepare the surface before applying gesso, ensuring it is clean and free from dust, dirt, and oils.

What is Gesso and Why Do You Need It?

Gesso is an essential component in the world of acrylic painting. It serves as a primer for surfaces such as canvas, providing a solid foundation for your artwork. So, what exactly is gesso and why is it necessary?

Gesso is a mixture of paint pigment, chalk, and binder. It is designed to create an absorbent and textured surface that allows acrylic paint to adhere smoothly and evenly. By applying gesso to your canvas, you prevent the paint from soaking into the fabric, ensuring vibrant colors and improved durability.

Gesso acts as a barrier between the paint and the canvas, preventing any acidic or harmful components from coming into direct contact with the surface. This protective layer not only strengthens the canvas but also enhances the longevity of your artwork.

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting your artistic journey, using gesso as a primer is highly recommended. It prepares your canvas for painting, allowing you to achieve professional-quality results. With gesso, your acrylic artwork will have a solid foundation, ensuring that your colors pop and your brushstrokes flow smoothly.

Benefits of using gesso:

  • Enhances paint adhesion
  • Creates an absorbent surface
  • Prevents paint from soaking into the canvas
  • Provides a protective barrier for the canvas
  • Improves color vibrancy and durability

By understanding the importance of gesso and its role as a primer, you can elevate your acrylic painting techniques and achieve stunning results.

Types of Gesso and Their Uses

Gesso comes in a variety of types, each with its own specific uses and benefits. Understanding the different types of gesso available can help you make the right choice for your artwork. Here are the main types of gesso:

White Gesso

White gesso is the most commonly used type and is suitable for most painting projects. It provides a smooth and neutral base that allows colors to appear vibrant. White gesso is perfect for traditional canvas paintings and can be easily tinted to create desired effects.

Clear Gesso

Clear gesso is a versatile option that can be used to prime non-traditional surfaces, such as vinyl, rubber, and other unusual materials. It allows the original texture and color of the surface to show through while providing a protective layer for painting.

Black Gesso

Black gesso provides a dark base for creating dramatic and unique effects. It is commonly used in mixed media artwork, abstract paintings, and projects that require a distinctive background. The rich black surface can enhance the contrast and depth of your artwork.

Colored Gesso

Colored gesso allows you to create a tinted base for your paintings, adding subtle hues to your artwork. It can be used to create interesting underpaintings or to provide a specific color tone to your artwork. Colored gesso comes in a range of shades and can be mixed to create custom colors.

Each type of gesso has its own purpose and can be used creatively to achieve the desired effects in your artwork. Experimenting with different types of gesso can open up new possibilities and help you explore your artistic vision.

How to Apply Gesso to a Canvas

When it comes to preparing your canvas for painting, applying gesso is a crucial step. Gesso creates a smooth and stable surface that enhances the longevity and vibrancy of your artwork. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply gesso to a canvas:

  1. Gather your materials: Start by gathering the necessary materials, including a wide, flat brush and gesso.
  2. Prepare your workspace: Find a clean and well-ventilated area where you can comfortably work.
  3. Shake and stir: Ensure that the gesso is well-mixed by shaking the container and stirring it with a stir stick. This ensures a consistent application.
  4. Dip the brush: Dip the wide, flat brush into the gesso, making sure to coat the bristles evenly.
  5. Apply the gesso: Starting from one corner of the canvas, apply the gesso in even strokes. Work your way across the entire surface, ensuring complete coverage.
  6. Layering: For optimal results, it is recommended to apply at least two coats of gesso. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next.
  7. Create a smooth finish: Sanding between each coat of gesso can help achieve a smoother surface. Use a fine-grit sandpaper and lightly sand the canvas to remove any imperfections.
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Gesso Drying Time on Canvas Explained

Remember to cover the entire canvas with gesso, including the sides, to ensure proper priming. The application process may vary depending on your desired texture or personal preference. Experiment with different techniques to find the approach that works best for you.

By following these steps, you can effectively apply gesso to your canvas, providing an ideal surface for your artistic endeavors.

The image below demonstrates the process of applying gesso to a canvas:

Tips for Achieving a Smooth Gesso Finish

When it comes to achieving a smooth gesso finish, there are a few techniques and best practices to keep in mind. By following these tips, you can ensure flawless gesso application and create a perfect foundation for your artwork.

  1. Mix the gesso well: Before applying gesso, make sure to give it a thorough mix. This ensures that the pigment, chalk, and binder are evenly distributed, resulting in a consistent application.
  2. Apply thin and even coats: For a smooth finish, it’s essential to apply thin layers of gesso. Avoid applying thick coats, as they can result in a rough texture. Use a wide, flat brush and apply the gesso in long, smooth strokes.
  3. Sand between coats: To achieve an even smoother surface, consider sanding between each coat of gesso. Use a fine sandpaper and gently sand the surface to remove any imperfections or unevenness.
  4. Consider sandable hard gesso: If you desire an extra smooth finish, consider using sandable hard gesso. This type of gesso allows for light sanding, giving you more control over the texture and ensuring a flawlessly smooth surface.
  5. Allow each layer to dry: It’s crucial to let each layer of gesso dry completely before applying the next. This ensures that the gesso properly adheres to the surface and prevents any cracking or peeling.

By implementing these smooth gesso techniques and following the best practices for gesso coating, you can achieve impeccable results and create a flawless base for your acrylic paintings.

Comparison of Gesso Techniques

Technique Advantages Disadvantages
Thin and even coats
  • Produces a smooth surface
  • Allows for better control over texture
  • Requires multiple layers
  • Can take longer to apply
Sanding between coats
  • Creates an even smoother finish
  • Removes any imperfections
  • Requires additional time and effort
  • Must be done carefully to avoid damage
Sandable hard gesso
  • Allows for controlled sanding
  • Offers maximum smoothness
  • May be more expensive
  • Requires careful application to avoid buildup

“Achieving a smooth gesso finish is essential for creating a flawless base for your artwork. By following these tips and techniques, you can ensure that your gesso application is flawless and creates the perfect surface for your acrylic paintings.”

Additional Considerations for Gesso Application

Before applying gesso to your canvas, it’s essential to properly prepare the surface. The gesso surface preparation plays a crucial role in achieving a smooth and professional finish. Start by ensuring that the canvas is free from dust or dirt. You can gently wipe it with a clean, dry cloth or use a soft brush to remove any loose particles. This helps in creating an even and clean surface for the gesso to adhere to.

In addition to dusting off the canvas, make sure it is dry and free from any oils. Oils can interfere with the priming process and affect the adhesion of the gesso. If you plan to paint with oils, it is recommended to use an oil-based gesso primer. This type of primer is specifically formulated to bond well with oil paints, providing a solid foundation for your artwork.

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DIY Gesso Guide: How to Make Gesso at Home

When considering gesso primer application techniques, it’s worth experimenting with different methods to find the best approach for your specific art projects. Some artists prefer to apply gesso in thin layers, using a wide, flat brush and smooth brush strokes to achieve a uniform coating. Others may choose to apply thicker layers or even sand between coats for a smoother surface. It’s important to find the technique that works best for you and your desired aesthetic.

Throughout your artistic journey, don’t hesitate to explore different gesso surfaces and materials. Whether it’s testing out different gesso colors or experimenting with alternative priming techniques, such as using gesso on non-traditional surfaces, like wood or metal, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the opportunity to push boundaries and discover new ways to express your creativity.

Experimentation and practice are key when it comes to gesso application. By understanding the importance of proper surface preparation, exploring different gesso primer application techniques, and utilizing the right primer for your chosen medium, you can achieve remarkable results in your artwork. Let your creativity flow and enjoy the process of creating a solid foundation for your artistic endeavors.

Homemade vs. Store-Bought Gesso

When it comes to gesso, you have two options: homemade or store-bought. Each option has its advantages and considerations, so let’s explore the comparison between homemade gesso and store-bought gesso to help you make an informed choice.

Homemade Gesso

If you prefer a more cost-effective option, homemade gesso might be the right choice for you. With homemade gesso, you have the freedom to customize the formula according to your preferences. You can experiment with different ingredients and ratios to achieve the desired texture and absorbency. It’s a great way to personalize your gesso and have control over the quality of materials used.

Store-Bought Gesso

On the other hand, store-bought gesso offers convenience and consistency. Art supply stores provide a wide range of gesso options, catering to various artistic needs. Store-bought gesso is often formulated with high-quality materials, ensuring reliable performance. It saves you time and effort, as you can purchase ready-to-use gesso without the hassle of preparation.

The choice between homemade and store-bought gesso ultimately depends on your individual preferences and needs. If you enjoy the process of creating your own art supplies and want to customize the gesso to your liking, homemade gesso is a great option. However, if you value convenience and trust the expertise of established brands, store-bought gesso is a reliable choice.

Both homemade and store-bought gesso are suitable for achieving a smooth gesso finish. It’s important to consider your budget, time constraints, and desired level of control over the gesso’s characteristics when making your decision.

Gesso Comparison
Homemade Gesso Store-Bought Gesso
  • Customizable
  • Cost-effective
  • Allows control over ingredients
  • Convenient
  • Consistent quality
  • Time-saving
  • Requires preparation
  • May require experimentation
  • Higher cost
  • Less customization

Gesso for Pre-Primed Canvases

If you’re working with pre-stretched canvases, chances are they already come pre-primed with a layer of gesso. However, you might want to consider adding additional layers of gesso to further enhance the absorbency and texture of the canvas. This can improve the overall painting experience and give you more control over the application of your acrylic paints.

To determine if your pre-primed canvas requires additional gesso layers, it’s a good idea to test the surface by painting on it. Pay attention to how the paint behaves and if it absorbs too quickly or sits on the surface without adhering properly. If you find that the paint is not adhering as desired, then applying more gesso can provide a better foundation for your artwork.

Adding more gesso to pre-primed canvases offers several advantages. It allows you to adjust the absorbency of the surface, making it easier to control the flow and consistency of your paints. It also provides a consistent base for your artwork and ensures that the colors appear more vibrant and true to life. Additionally, the added layers of gesso can help minimize the risk of the canvas fibers showing through the paint, resulting in a more professional-looking finish.

When applying additional gesso to pre-primed canvases, follow the same techniques mentioned in previous sections. Use a wide, flat brush and apply thin and even coats of gesso. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next, and consider sanding between layers for a smoother finish. Remember to cover the entire canvas with gesso, paying attention to any areas that might require extra attention or touch-ups.

Pros and Cons of Adding More Gesso to Pre-Primed Canvases

Pros Cons
Enhanced absorbency for better paint control Potential for additional drying time
Improved color vibrancy Added expense and time
Minimized risk of canvas fibers showing through Possibility of altering the texture of the canvas
Creates a more professional-looking finish May not be necessary for all projects or surfaces
See also
DIY Gesso Recipe: Make It Without Glue!

Ultimately, the decision to add more gesso to pre-primed canvases depends on your personal preference and the specific requirements of your artwork. Experimentation is key to finding the ideal balance of gesso layers that suit your artistic style and desired outcome. Whether you choose to work with the existing layer of gesso or add more, gesso application plays a crucial role in achieving a smooth and professional finish in your acrylic paintings.


Applying gesso smoothly is crucial for achieving a professional-grade foundation for your acrylic paintings. By following the tips and techniques mentioned in this article, you can confidently create a flawless gesso finish. Experimenting with different gesso types, application methods, and surface preparations will help you find the best approach for your art projects.

Remember to continuously practice and refine your gesso application skills to enhance the overall quality of your artwork. The more you work with gesso, the more you will understand its properties and how to best utilize it to your advantage. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, gesso application is a fundamental step in creating beautiful and long-lasting paintings.

By mastering the art of gesso application, you will be able to create a smooth and absorbent surface that allows your acrylic paints to adhere flawlessly. Take the time to experiment with different techniques, such as sanding between coats and using a sandable hard gesso, to achieve the desired level of smoothness. With practice and persistence, your gesso application skills will improve, leading to exceptional artistic results.


What is gesso and why do you need it?

Gesso is a primer used to prepare a surface for painting. It creates a slightly textured and absorbent surface that allows acrylic paint to adhere smoothly. Applying gesso properly is essential for achieving professional-grade results in your art projects.

What are the types of gesso and their uses?

Gesso comes in different types, including white gesso (suitable for most painting projects), clear gesso (for priming non-traditional surfaces), black gesso (provides a dark base for unique effects), and colored gesso (allows you to create a tinted base for your paintings).

How do I apply gesso to a canvas?

To apply gesso to a canvas, start by using a wide, flat brush. Dip the brush into the gesso and apply it evenly to the entire surface of the canvas. It is recommended to apply at least two coats of gesso, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next. Sanding between coats can help create a smoother finish.

What are some tips for achieving a smooth gesso finish?

To achieve a smooth gesso finish, make sure to mix the gesso well before applying. Apply thin and even coats of gesso using long, smooth brushstrokes. Sanding between coats with a fine sandpaper can help create a smoother surface. If you prefer an extra smooth finish, you can use a sandable hard gesso. It is also important to let each layer of gesso dry completely before applying the next.

What are some additional considerations for gesso application?

Before applying gesso, it is important to prepare the surface properly. Remove any dust or dirt from the canvas, and make sure it is dry and free from oils. If you plan to paint with oils, it is recommended to use an oil-based gesso for better adherence. Experimenting with different techniques and materials can help you find the best method for your specific art projects.

Should I use homemade or store-bought gesso?

Gesso can be homemade or purchased from art supply stores. Homemade gesso is cheaper and can be customized to personal preferences. Store-bought gesso is convenient and often of high quality. The choice between homemade and store-bought gesso depends on individual preferences and needs. Both options are suitable for achieving a smooth gesso finish.

Can I use gesso on pre-primed canvases?

Pre-stretched canvases often come pre-primed, meaning they already have a layer of gesso applied. However, adding additional layers of gesso can enhance the absorbency and texture of the canvas. It is recommended to test the surface by painting on it and determining if it requires additional gesso layers. Adding more gesso to pre-primed canvases can improve the overall painting experience.

What is the conclusion on gesso application?

Applying gesso smoothly is essential for creating a professional-grade foundation for your acrylic paintings. By following the tips and techniques mentioned above, you can achieve a flawless gesso finish. Experiment with different gesso types, application methods, and surface preparations to find the best approach for your art projects. Keep practicing and refining your gesso application skills to enhance the overall quality of your artwork.