Why Acrylic Paint Cracks & How to Avoid It

  • By: Michael Smith
  • Time to read: 13 min.
Michael Smith
I'm Michael Smith, the founder and creative director of Art and Drawing. With over a decade of experience in the art and design industry, my keen eye for detail and passion for creating inspiring artwork drive my work. I'm dedicated to capturing the world's beauty through vibrant, expressive pieces that spark imagination and emotion.

Have you ever wondered why your acrylic paint cracks? Cracking can be a frustrating issue that many artists encounter, but the good news is that it can be prevented! Understanding the causes of cracking and implementing the right techniques can help you achieve beautiful, crack-free artwork.

Cracking in acrylic paint occurs when the top layer dries faster than the underlying layers, creating tension that eventually leads to cracks. But fear not, there are several steps you can take to prevent this from happening.

First, it’s important to reduce the amount of water in your paint mix. Adding too much water weakens the binder of the paint, making it more prone to cracking. Try to limit the water content to no more than 30%, or even better, use a pouring medium instead. Pouring mediums help maintain the integrity of the paint while achieving the desired fluidity.

Another crucial factor in preventing cracking is using proper acrylic mediums. These mediums provide additional binders and improve the adhesive qualities of the paint. From gels to pouring mediums, there are various options available to suit your specific needs. Choosing the right medium can greatly reduce the chances of cracking and ensure a smooth, durable finish.

Investing in high-quality paints is also essential. Brands like Winsor and Newton, Daler Rowney, Golden, and Liquitex offer superior pigments and stronger binders, making them less prone to cracking. Avoid cheap white paints, as they often have a higher binder content and inferior quality.

In addition to paint and mediums, environmental factors play a role in preventing cracking. Controlling the temperature and humidity in your workspace is important. Aim for a temperature between 65°F-75°F (18°C-24°C) and a relative humidity above 50%. Avoid air drafts from fans or air conditioning vents, as they can cause the top layer to dry too quickly and result in cracks.

Lastly, proper varnishing techniques are crucial for preventing cracking. Make sure to wait until your artwork is completely dry before applying varnish. Rushing this step can trap moisture and lead to tension build-up and subsequent cracking. Allow your painting to dry for at least three to four days before varnishing to ensure a fully cured surface. Following these techniques will help preserve your artwork and protect it from unwanted cracks.

Key Takeaways:

  • To prevent acrylic paint from cracking, reduce the water content in your paint mix and use a pouring medium instead.
  • Invest in high-quality paints from reputable brands, as they have stronger binders and are less likely to crack.
  • Use proper acrylic mediums to provide additional binders and improve the adhesive qualities of the paint.
  • Control the temperature and humidity in your workspace to create an ideal environment for drying.
  • Wait until your painting is completely dry before varnishing to prevent cracking.

Understanding Acrylic Paint Cracking

Cracking is a common issue that artists often encounter when using acrylic paint. To troubleshoot and prevent cracking, it’s important to understand the various causes and implement appropriate solutions.

Causes of Acrylic Paint Cracking:

  • Too much water in the paint mixture
  • Low-quality paints with high binder content
  • Improper use of acrylic ink
  • Fluctuations in temperature and humidity
  • The use of fans during drying

Solutions to Prevent Acrylic Paint Cracking:

  • Reduce the water content in your paint mixture
  • Use high-quality paints with strong binders
  • Properly utilize acrylic ink by allowing the substrate to dry completely before application
  • Maintain a stable environment with consistent temperature and humidity
  • Avoid using fans or other sources of air circulation during the drying process

Understanding these causes and implementing the appropriate solutions can help artists prevent and troubleshoot cracking issues in their acrylic artwork. By using proper mediums and binders, artists can strengthen the paint and reduce the chances of tension build-up, ultimately achieving a smooth and crack-free finish.

Causes Solutions
Too much water in the paint mixture Reduce water content in the paint mixture
Low-quality paints with high binder content Use high-quality paints with strong binders
Improper use of acrylic ink Allow the substrate to dry completely before applying acrylic ink
Fluctuations in temperature and humidity Maintain a stable environment with consistent temperature and humidity
The use of fans during drying Avoid using fans or other sources of air circulation during the drying process
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Unveiling Acrylic Paint Appearance – Visual Guide

Reducing Water Content in Acrylic Paint

Adding too much water to acrylic paint weakens the binder, making it more prone to cracking. To avoid this issue and achieve a crack-free finish, follow these tips:

  1. Limit the water content: It is recommended to add no more than 30% water to the paint mixture. Excessive water reduces the integrity of the paint, increasing the risk of cracking.
  2. Use a pouring medium: Instead of using water to thin the paint, consider using a pouring medium. Pouring mediums are specifically formulated to maintain the paint’s integrity while achieving the desired fluidity. They provide better control and prevent unnecessary cracking.
  3. Choose high-quality acrylic paints: High-quality acrylic paints, such as those from brands like Winsor and Newton, Daler Rowney, Golden, and Liquitex, are formulated to handle more water without compromising color intensity. They have stronger binders, reducing the likelihood of cracking even with a higher water content.

By reducing water content, using pouring mediums, and selecting high-quality paints, you can effectively prevent cracking and ensure a successful acrylic painting experience.

Benefits of Reducing Water Content Recommended Water Content Brands to Consider
Prevents cracking No more than 30% Winsor and Newton
Daler Rowney
Maintains paint integrity
Enhances color intensity

Using Proper Acrylic Mediums

Adding a medium to acrylic paint can prevent cracking by providing additional binders and improving the adhesive qualities of the paint. There are various mediums available, such as gels, gloss, matte, pouring medium, and airbrush medium, which can be mixed with the paint to prevent cracking. Each medium is made of a binder and can help achieve the desired consistency without compromising the integrity of the paint. Using the appropriate medium according to the desired effect can help troubleshoot and prevent cracking.

If you are looking to achieve a glossy finish, using a gloss medium can enhance the shine and prevent cracking. On the other hand, if you prefer a matte finish, adding a matte medium can give your artwork a subtle, non-reflective look while keeping the paint resilient. The choice of medium depends on your artistic vision and the desired outcome.

Another popular medium for preventing cracking is a pouring medium. This medium is specifically designed to thin acrylic paint for pouring techniques, ensuring even coverage and preventing cracks. It helps maintain the fluidity of the paint and allows you to create stunning patterns and effects without worrying about cracking.

Quote: “Using the appropriate acrylic medium not only prevents cracking but also enhances the overall quality and appearance of your artwork.” – Sarah Thompson, Acrylic Artist

Each acrylic medium has unique properties and applications, so it’s important to understand their characteristics before use. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or consult experienced artists for guidance on the best medium for your specific artistic needs.

Acrylic Medium Properties Applications
Gloss Medium Enhances shine, prevents cracking Promotes a glossy finish
Matte Medium Non-reflective, prevents cracking Creates a matte finish
Pouring Medium Ensures even coverage, prevents cracking For pouring techniques and fluid effects
Airbrush Medium Thins paint for airbrushing, prevents cracking Ideal for airbrushing techniques

Experimenting with different mediums can add versatility to your acrylic painting practice, giving you more control over your desired effects and helping prevent cracking. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and maintain proper ratios when combining acrylic mediums with the paint to achieve optimal results.

Importance of High-Quality Paints

When it comes to preventing acrylic paint from cracking, the quality of the paint you use plays a crucial role. High-quality artists’ paints, such as those from well-known brands like Winsor and Newton, Daler Rowney, Golden, and Liquitex, offer several advantages over cheaper alternatives.

One significant advantage is that high-quality acrylic paints contain more pigment, which ensures vibrant and rich colors in your artwork. The increased pigment concentration enhances the overall quality and intensity of the paint, enabling you to achieve stunning effects on your canvas.

Another crucial aspect of high-quality paints is their stronger binders. These binders help the paint adhere to the canvas effectively and maintain its integrity over time. Unlike cheaper acrylics, which often have a higher binder content and less pigment, high-quality paints are better equipped to withstand the addition of mediums without compromising color intensity or increasing the risk of cracking.

Here’s a comparison between high-quality acrylic paints and cheaper alternatives:

High-Quality Acrylic Paints Cheaper Acrylics
More pigment for intense colors Lower pigment concentration
Stronger binders for better adhesion Higher binder content
Tolerate more medium without affecting color Require less medium due to lower quality

Investing in high-quality acrylic paints not only ensures better results but also helps in preventing the paint from cracking. These paints provide artists with the confidence to push creative boundaries without compromising the longevity and integrity of their artwork.

Using high-quality acrylic paints from reputable brands can enhance the vibrancy and durability of your artwork, while also reducing the risk of cracking. Whether you’re a professional artist or an aspiring painter, the quality of your materials plays a crucial role in achieving the desired results.

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Tips for Using Acrylic Ink

Acrylic ink, such as Daler Rowney FW acrylic ink, is a favorite among artists but needs to be used correctly to prevent cracking. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot and prevent acrylic ink-induced cracking:

  1. Allow the bottom layer to dry: Avoid applying acrylic ink over wet acrylic paint. It is crucial to let the substrate dry completely before adding the ink. This prevents tension build-up and reduces the risk of cracking.
  2. Be cautious with excessive layers: Applying multiple layers of acrylic ink without allowing each layer to dry properly can lead to cracking. It is important to be patient and give each layer sufficient time to dry before adding another.
  3. Consider removing cracked paint: If cracking does occur, you may need to carefully remove the cracked paint and start the process again. This ensures a clean canvas for applying the ink without any underlying issues.
  4. Follow proper techniques: When using acrylic ink, follow the recommended techniques and instructions provided by the manufacturer. This will help you achieve the best results and minimize the chances of cracking.

By following these tips and allowing sufficient drying time, you can prevent acrylic ink-induced cracking and create stunning artworks with vibrant and durable colors.

Artist Testimonial

“I love working with acrylic ink, but I’ve had my fair share of cracking issues. Learning to let the paint dry properly before adding the ink and being patient with the layering process made a significant difference. Now, I can confidently use acrylic ink without worrying about cracks.”

– Jennifer Thompson, Professional Artist

Considerations for Temperature, Humidity, and Air Circulation

Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can have a significant impact on the integrity of acrylic paint and increase the risk of cracking. To prevent acrylic paint from cracking, it’s important to create a controlled environment that promotes optimal drying conditions. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

1. Temperature

Maintaining a consistent temperature while working with acrylic paint is crucial. Extreme temperatures can cause the paint to dry too quickly or not dry at all, leading to cracks. Aim for a temperature range between 65°F-75°F (18°C-24°C) in your workspace to ensure proper drying and prevent cracking.

2. Humidity

Humidity levels also play a vital role in preventing acrylic paint from cracking. Low humidity can cause the paint to dry too quickly, while high humidity may lead to prolonged drying times and potential cracking. Aim for a relative humidity above 50% to maintain an optimal moisture level in the paint and reduce the risk of cracks.

3. Air Circulation

Avoiding air drafts is essential to prevent cracks in acrylic paint. Fans or air conditioning vents can cause the top layer of paint to dry faster than the underlying layers, leading to tension and ultimately, cracks. Ensure that your workspace is free from direct air circulation during the drying process to maintain a balanced drying rate.

Remember, creating a stable drying environment is key to preventing acrylic paint from cracking. By controlling the temperature, humidity, and air circulation, you can significantly reduce the risk of cracks and achieve a flawless finish in your artwork.

Temperature Humidity Air Circulation
65°F-75°F (18°C-24°C) Above 50% Avoid air drafts

Proper Varnishing Techniques

After putting in the time and effort to create a stunning acrylic painting, the last thing you want is for it to develop cracks. One important step in preventing acrylic paint from cracking is the proper application of varnish. Here are some essential techniques to ensure a smooth and durable finish for your artwork:

  1. Allow Sufficient Drying Time: Before applying varnish, it is crucial to wait until the painting is completely dry. Varnishing too soon can trap moisture and lead to tension build-up, resulting in cracks. Give your artwork at least three to four days to ensure that the paint is fully cured and less prone to cracking.
  2. Choose the Right Varnish: Selecting the appropriate varnish for your artwork is vital. Consider factors such as the desired level of sheen (gloss, satin, or matte) and the compatibility with acrylic paints. Look for varnishes specifically designed for acrylic paintings, such as Liquitex Professional Varnish.
  3. Prepare Your Workspace: Ensure that your workspace is clean and free from dust and debris. Any foreign particles can become trapped in the varnish, affecting the final appearance of your artwork. It’s also essential to work in a well-ventilated area to prevent inhaling varnish fumes.
  4. Apply Varnish Evenly: To apply varnish, use a soft and clean brush suitable for varnishing. Begin by dipping the brush lightly into the varnish and remove any excess product. Apply thin, even coats of varnish in one direction, avoiding excessive brushing or overlapping strokes. Multiple thin coats are preferred over one thick coat to prevent drips, pooling, and uneven drying.

Properly varnishing your acrylic painting helps protect it from dust, UV damage, and other environmental factors. It enhances the vibrancy of colors and adds a professional finish to your artwork. Take the time to follow these techniques, and your painted masterpiece will remain crack-free and visually stunning for years to come.

Now that you know the proper varnishing techniques, you can confidently seal and protect your acrylic artwork. In the next section, we’ll conclude our exploration on preventing acrylic paint from cracking with some final tips and insights.

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Preventing acrylic paint from cracking is essential for artists who want to achieve a flawless finish and ensure the longevity of their artwork. By understanding the causes of paint cracking and implementing preventive measures, you can minimize the risk and create stunning acrylic pieces.

To prevent cracking, it is important to reduce the water content in your paint mixture. Avoid adding more than 30% water and use a pouring medium to maintain the integrity of the paint. Additionally, using proper acrylic mediums, such as gels or pouring mediums, can provide additional binders and improve the adhesive qualities of the paint, reducing the chances of cracking.

Choosing high-quality acrylic paints, such as those from reputable brands like Winsor & Newton, Daler Rowney, Golden, and Liquitex, can also help prevent cracking. These paints have stronger binders and can tolerate the addition of more medium without compromising color intensity. Finally, creating a controlled drying environment with optimal temperature and humidity levels can minimize the risk of cracks forming.

By following these preventive measures, troubleshooting acrylic paint cracking can become a thing of the past. Remember to be patient and allow sufficient drying time to maintain the integrity and longevity of your acrylic artwork. With the right techniques and materials, you can create stunning, crack-free acrylic pieces that will stand the test of time.


Why does acrylic paint crack?

Cracking can occur in acrylic paint when the top layer dries faster than the underlying layer, causing tension and resulting in cracks.

How can I prevent acrylic paint from cracking?

To prevent cracking, reduce the amount of water in your paint mix and use a pouring medium to maintain the integrity of the paint. Working in a controlled environment with optimal temperature and humidity levels can also help prevent cracks.

How can I fix acrylic paint cracks?

If cracks do occur, you can fill them with paint or leave them as an artistic choice.

What are the causes of acrylic paint cracking?

Acrylic paint cracking can be caused by factors such as too much water in the paint, low-quality paints with high binder content, improper use of acrylic ink, fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and the use of fans during drying.

How can I troubleshoot acrylic paint cracking?

Understanding the causes of cracking can help you troubleshoot and prevent cracking in your artwork. Using proper mediums and binders, reducing water content, and choosing high-quality paints can help prevent cracking.

How do I avoid acrylic paint cracking?

Avoiding adding too much water to the paint and using a pouring medium instead can prevent cracking. Using high-quality acrylic paints and avoiding cheap white paints can also reduce the risk of cracking.

What should I do to prevent acrylic paint cracking?

Adding a medium to acrylic paint can prevent cracking by providing additional binders and improving adhesive qualities. Working in a controlled environment with optimal temperature and humidity levels, and avoiding the use of fans during drying can also help prevent cracks.

What are some recommended high-quality acrylic paint brands?

High-quality artists’ paints from brands like Winsor and Newton, Daler Rowney, Golden, and Liquitex contain more pigment and have stronger binders which reduce the risk of cracking.

How can I prevent cracking when using acrylic ink?

To prevent cracking, let the substrate or base layer of acrylic paint dry completely before applying the ink. Applying ink over wet paint can result in tension build-up and cracking.

How can temperature, humidity, and air circulation affect acrylic paint cracking?

Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can cause acrylic paint to crack. Working in a controlled environment with a stable temperature, humidity above 50%, and avoiding air drafts can help prevent cracking.

When should I varnish my acrylic painting to prevent cracking?

It is important to wait until the painting is completely dry before varnishing to prevent cracking. Allow the artwork to dry for at least three to four days before applying varnish.

How can I ensure the longevity of my acrylic artwork and prevent potential cracking issues?

By understanding the causes of cracking and implementing preventive measures such as using proper mediums, reducing water content, choosing high-quality paints, and creating a controlled drying environment, you can prevent cracks and achieve a flawless finish.