Seal Acrylic Paint Minus Varnish – Quick Guide

  • By: Michael Smith
  • Time to read: 17 min.
Michael Smith
I'm Michael Smith, the founder and creative director of Art and Drawing. With over a decade of experience in the art and design industry, my keen eye for detail and passion for creating inspiring artwork drive my work. I'm dedicated to capturing the world's beauty through vibrant, expressive pieces that spark imagination and emotion.

Whether you’re painting fence posts, furniture, toys, or picture frames, applying acrylic paint to wood is a simple and fun process that can brighten up your space. While preparing the surface by sanding and priming and then applying the appropriate amount of paint is crucial, making sure that you properly seal the paint is an important step in ensuring the durability of your finished product. Options for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces include polycrylic finish, varnish, Mod Podge, spray sealant, and water-based polyurethane. Once the acrylic paint is completely dry, apply your chosen sealant with even, smooth strokes. Wait until the first layer is dry before re-applying.

Key Takeaways

  • Sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces enhances durability and protection.
  • Options for sealants include polycrylic finish, varnish, Mod Podge, spray sealant, and water-based polyurethane.
  • Apply sealant with even, smooth strokes and allow each layer to dry completely.
  • Consider factors such as desired finish, location, and level of protection when choosing a sealant.
  • Maintain the painted surface by avoiding scratches, using mild soap for cleaning, and storing objects properly.

How To Seal Acrylic Paint on Wood

To seal acrylic paint on wood, you have several options. The most common methods include applying a polycrylic finish, varnish, Mod Podge, spray sealant, or water-based polyurethane. Each of these sealants can provide protection and enhance the durability of the acrylic paint on your wood surface.

When applying sealant, be sure to use even, smooth strokes and allow each layer to dry completely before applying additional coats.

Polycrylic Finish

A polycrylic finish is a popular choice for sealing acrylic paint on wood. It is a low odor, nonflammable, protective topcoat that can be applied over bare wood or oil or water-based paints. Polycrylic finishes like Minwax Clear offer protection and add a beautiful finish to your painted wood. They are easy to apply with a brush and dry quickly, allowing for multiple coats if needed.


Varnish is a transparent protective coating that dries clear and hard. It can effectively seal acrylic paint on wood surfaces, providing durability and longevity to your artwork. Liquitex is a recommended varnish brand that offers options for both glossy and matte finishes. To apply varnish, ensure the painted surface is completely dry, and gently brush on long, even strokes in a horizontal direction. Wait for each coat to dry before applying additional coats.

Mod Podge

Mod Podge is a versatile decoupage medium that can be used as a glue, sealant, and varnish. It is commonly used for sealing acrylic paint on wood and is available in matte and gloss finishes. The Mod Podge Complete Kit includes both matte and gloss finishes, providing options for different aesthetic preferences. Apply Mod Podge in even layers with a foam brush, allowing each layer to dry before applying additional coats.

Spray Sealant

Spray sealants, such as Krylon Crystal Clear, provide a quick and easy way to seal acrylic paint on wood surfaces. Spray sealants offer a protective gloss coating and can cover a large area with an even coating. When using a spray sealant, shake the can thoroughly, spray evenly over the wooden surface from a distance of at least 30 centimeters, and allow it to dry completely. It is important to work in a well-ventilated area and use protective gear.

Water-Based Polyurethane

Water-based polyurethane is a popular choice for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces. Varathane Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, for example, offers a satin finish and is scratch and stain-resistant. To apply water-based polyurethane, use a thick bristle brush and apply smooth, even strokes in one direction. Allow each coat to dry for the recommended time before applying additional coats.

Apply a Polycrylic Finish

When it comes to sealing acrylic paint on wood, a polycrylic finish is a popular and efficient choice. A polycrylic finish acts as a protective topcoat that can be applied over bare wood or oil or water-based paints. Not only does it provide essential durability and protection for your painted wood, but it also adds a beautiful finish that enhances the overall appearance.

One highly recommended polycrylic finish option is Minwax Clear, which offers excellent protection while maintaining the natural beauty of the wood. With its low odor and nonflammable properties, Minwax Clear is a reliable choice for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces.

Applying a polycrylic finish is a straightforward process that can yield great results. You will need a brush suitable for the size of your project and ensure that the paint is completely dry before starting.

How to Apply a Polycrylic Finish

  1. Start by stirring the polycrylic finish well to ensure an even consistency.
  2. Using the brush, apply a thin and even layer of polycrylic finish to the painted wood surface. Be careful not to overload the brush, as this can lead to drips and uneven coverage.
  3. Work in long, smooth strokes, moving with the grain of the wood for a seamless application.
  4. Allow the polycrylic finish to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This usually takes about two hours.
  5. If desired, you can lightly sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper after the first coat has dried. This helps create a smoother finish and promotes adhesion for subsequent coats.
  6. Apply additional coats of polycrylic finish as needed, following the same application and drying process.
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Polycrylic finishes dry relatively quickly, allowing you to apply multiple coats within a shorter timeframe. This makes it easier to achieve a desired level of protection and sheen on your painted wood objects.

Remember, using a polycrylic finish not only helps seal and protect your acrylic paint but also enhances its longevity. The clear, glossy finish adds a professional touch to your artwork and keeps it looking vibrant for years to come.

Now that you know how to apply a polycrylic finish, let’s delve further into other sealing options for acrylic paint on wood surfaces.

Pros of Polycrylic Finish Cons of Polycrylic Finish
  • Provides excellent protection for acrylic paint on wood
  • Dries quickly, allowing for multiple coats if needed
  • Low odor and nonflammable
  • Can be used over bare wood or oil or water-based paints
  • May slightly amber over time
  • Requires multiple coats for optimal protection
  • Can be susceptible to moisture damage if not properly applied

Apply Varnish

Varnish is a transparent protective coating that dries clear and hard. It is an excellent option for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces, providing durability and longevity to your artwork. One recommended varnish brand is Liquitex, which offers a range of varnishes in both glossy and matte finishes.

When applying varnish to acrylic paint on wood, it is important to ensure that the painted surface is completely dry. This will allow the varnish to adhere properly and create a strong seal. Using a soft brush, gently apply the varnish in long, even strokes, working in a horizontal direction. This technique helps to prevent any visible brush marks on the final surface.

It is best to apply varnish in multiple thin coats rather than one thick coat. This allows each layer to dry properly and ensures a smoother, more even finish. Wait for each coat to dry completely before applying additional coats. Depending on the desired level of protection, you may need to apply two or more coats of varnish.

Using varnish to seal acrylic paint on wood surfaces offers several advantages. Firstly, it protects the paint from fading, yellowing, and damage caused by light exposure. Additionally, varnish provides a barrier against moisture, dust, and stains, helping to keep your artwork in pristine condition. Furthermore, varnish enhances the appearance of the paint, giving it a beautiful glossy or matte finish, depending on your preference.

Apply Mod Podge

If you’re looking for a versatile and effective way to seal acrylic paint on wood, Mod Podge is an excellent choice. Mod Podge is a decoupage medium that serves as a glue, sealant, and varnish all in one. It is widely used for protecting acrylic paint on wood surfaces and is available in both matte and gloss finishes, giving you the freedom to choose the look that best suits your project.

To apply Mod Podge to your acrylic-painted wood surface, follow these simple steps:

  1. Ensure that your acrylic paint is completely dry before applying Mod Podge.
  2. Use a foam brush to apply Mod Podge in even layers. Start with a thin layer and allow it to dry before applying additional coats.
  3. For a smooth and streak-free finish, brush Mod Podge in one direction.
  4. Allow each layer of Mod Podge to dry completely before adding another layer.
  5. Repeat the process of applying Mod Podge and drying between layers until you achieve the desired level of protection and finish.

Using Mod Podge on wood not only seals and protects your acrylic paint but also adds a beautiful sheen to your artwork. The matte finish provides a subtle and understated look, while the gloss finish adds a touch of shine and vibrancy. Choose the Mod Podge Complete Kit to have both matte and gloss finishes on hand, giving you versatility and options for different projects.

With Mod Podge, you can confidently protect your acrylic-painted wood objects, ensuring their longevity and preserving their vibrant colors for years to come.

Benefits of Using Mod Podge

Using Mod Podge as a sealant for acrylic paint on wood offers several advantages:

  • Easy Application: Mod Podge is simple to apply and dries quickly, allowing you to complete your project efficiently.
  • Versatility: Mod Podge can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including wood, paper, fabric, and more.
  • Protective Barrier: Mod Podge forms a protective barrier that guards your acrylic paint against scratches, fading, and moisture damage.
  • Enhanced Durability: By sealing your acrylic paint with Mod Podge, you ensure that your artwork withstands regular use and maintains its vibrant colors over time.
  • Choice of Finishes: Whether you prefer a matte or gloss finish, Mod Podge offers options that cater to different aesthetic preferences.

Next time you’re working on a project that involves sealing acrylic paint on wood, grab a bottle of Mod Podge to achieve a professional and long-lasting finish.

Apply Spray Sealant

Spray sealants offer a convenient solution for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces. One of the best spray sealants for this purpose is Krylon Crystal Clear. Not only does it provide a quick and easy application, but it also offers a protective gloss coating that enhances the appearance of your artwork. Let’s explore how to use spray sealant effectively and the advantages it brings.

How to Use Spray Sealant on Acrylic Paint

Using spray sealant on acrylic paint is a straightforward process that requires proper technique and preparation. Follow these steps to achieve optimal results:

  1. Begin by shaking the can thoroughly to ensure that the sealant is well-mixed.
  2. Hold the spray can at least 30 centimeters away from the wooden surface to be sealed.
  3. Apply the sealant in even, sweeping motions, making sure to cover the entire area evenly.
  4. Allow the spray sealant to dry completely.

Remember to work in a well-ventilated area when using spray sealants and wear protective gear to ensure your safety.

Advantages of Using Spray Sealant

Spray sealants offer several advantages when it comes to sealing acrylic paint on wood:

  • Efficiency: Spray sealants allow for quick and even coverage, making them ideal for sealing larger areas.
  • Protective Coating: Spray sealants create a durable protective layer that safeguards the acrylic paint from damage, such as scratches and UV fading.
  • Uniform Finish: The spray application ensures an even and consistent coating, resulting in a professional-looking finish.
  • Versatility: Spray sealants can be used on various wood surfaces, including furniture, artwork, and crafts.
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By following the recommended application techniques and utilizing the advantages of spray sealants, you can effectively seal your acrylic paint on wood surfaces and preserve your artwork for years to come.

Apply Water-Based Polyurethane

When it comes to sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces, water-based polyurethane is a popular and effective choice. One highly recommended option is Varathane Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, which offers a smooth satin finish and is known for its scratch and stain resistance.

To apply water-based polyurethane to your acrylic paint on wood, you’ll need a thick bristle brush that can evenly distribute the sealant. Start by stirring the polyurethane well to ensure a consistent texture. Avoid vigorously shaking the can, as it can create air bubbles.

Begin the application process by dipping the brush into the polyurethane and removing any excess on the side of the container. Apply the sealant onto the wood surface using smooth, even strokes, working in one direction. This will help to create a uniform and professional finish.

It’s important to allow each coat of polyurethane to dry completely before applying additional coats. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended drying time, as it may vary depending on the specific product you’re using.

By applying multiple coats of water-based polyurethane, you can achieve a more durable and long-lasting seal. This will provide added protection to your acrylic paint on wood, guarding it against moisture, UV exposure, and everyday wear and tear.

Remember to work in a well-ventilated area when applying polyurethane and wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, to ensure your safety. Taking these precautions will help you create a beautiful and protected finish for your acrylic paint on wood.

Things To Consider Before Choosing a Sealant

Before selecting a sealant for your acrylic paint on wood, there are several factors to consider that will ensure you choose the right one. These include:

  1. The Desired Finish: Determine whether you prefer a glossy, matte, or satin finish for your painted wood object. Different sealants offer different finishes, so it’s important to choose one that aligns with your aesthetic preference.
  2. The Intended Location: Consider whether the painted object will be placed indoors or outdoors. Sealants designed for outdoor use typically offer better resistance to weather conditions and UV exposure. On the other hand, if the object will be kept indoors, you may have a wider range of sealants to choose from.
  3. Level of Protection Required: Evaluate the level of protection needed for your wooden surface. Some sealants provide enhanced protection against scratches, moisture, and other external factors. Assess the intended use of the painted object and select a sealant that offers the appropriate level of durability and protection.

Additionally, it is crucial to properly prepare your wood surface and ensure that the acrylic paint is completely dry before applying the sealant. This will help ensure optimal adhesion and prevent any issues with the final result.

Tip: When choosing a sealant for acrylic paint on wood, take into account the specific requirements of your project, and select a sealant that fits both your functional needs and desired aesthetic outcome.

Tips When Sealing Acrylic Paint on Wood Surfaces

When sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces, it’s important to follow these tips to ensure a successful and long-lasting finish:

  1. Apply thin, even coats of sealant: To achieve the best results, apply a thin layer of sealant using a brush or spray. This helps to prevent drips, bubbles, and uneven coverage, ensuring a smooth and professional-looking finish.

  2. Allow each layer to dry completely: Before applying additional coats of sealant, make sure that each layer is completely dry. This ensures proper adhesion and prevents smudging or smearing of the acrylic paint.

  3. Use smooth, even brush strokes: When using a brush to apply sealant, use smooth and even strokes in the same direction. Avoid applying too much pressure or dragging the brush over the painted surface, as this can disturb the paint and create an uneven finish.

  4. Consider using spray sealants: For a more convenient and even application, consider using spray sealants. These can provide a seamless finish and are ideal for covering larger areas. Make sure to work in a well-ventilated area and use appropriate protective gear when using spray sealants.

  5. Avoid common mistakes: Be mindful of common mistakes when sealing wood surfaces, such as applying too much sealant, not allowing proper drying time between coats, or neglecting to clean and prepare the wood surface beforehand. Taking these precautions can help you avoid potential issues and ensure a successful sealing process.

By following these tips, you can achieve a professional and durable seal on your acrylic paint projects on wood surfaces.

Preserve Your Acrylic Painted Wood Objects

After sealing acrylic paint on wood, it is important to take measures to preserve the painted surface and prevent damage. Here are some tips for maintaining your acrylic painted wood objects:

  • Avoid placing objects directly on top of each other to prevent scratches.
  • Clean painted surfaces with a soft cloth or sponge and mild soap, avoiding abrasive cleaners.
  • Store painted objects in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  • Avoid exposing painted surfaces to extreme temperatures or moisture.
  • Handle painted objects with care to prevent chipping or peeling of the paint.
Tips for Preserving Acrylic Painted Wood Objects
Avoid placing objects directly on top of each other to prevent scratches.
Clean painted surfaces with a soft cloth or sponge and mild soap, avoiding abrasive cleaners.
Store painted objects in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.
Avoid exposing painted surfaces to extreme temperatures or moisture.
Handle painted objects with care to prevent chipping or peeling of the paint.

Expert Tip:

When cleaning your painted wood objects, make sure to use a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the paint. Use mild soap and water to gently remove dirt and stains. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or brushes that may damage the painted surface.

To illustrate the preservation tips in action, take a look at the image below:

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By following these simple guidelines, you can extend the life of your acrylic painted wood objects and keep them looking vibrant for years to come.

Do You Need To Seal Acrylic Paint on Wood?

While it is not mandatory to seal acrylic paint on wood, it is highly recommended for enhanced durability and protection. Sealing acrylic paint on wood helps to prevent chipping, peeling, and damage from exposure to the elements and regular wear and tear. It also provides a glossy or matte finish, depending on the chosen sealant, which can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the painted wood surface. Sealing acrylic paint on wood is especially important for objects that will be frequently handled or exposed to outdoor conditions.

By sealing acrylic paint on wood, you can:

  • Protect the paint from chipping and peeling
  • Prevent damage caused by exposure to the elements
  • Enhance the durability of the painted surface
  • Create a glossy or matte finish based on your preference

Whether you’re painting furniture, decorations, or other wooden objects, sealing acrylic paint can significantly extend the lifespan of your artwork. It provides an extra layer of protection, ensuring that the paint remains intact and vibrant over time.

Next, we’ll explore the different sealant options available for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces to help you make an informed decision.


Sealing acrylic paint on wood is an essential step in preserving and protecting your painted objects. By applying a sealant such as polycrylic finish, varnish, Mod Podge, spray sealant, or water-based polyurethane, you can ensure enhanced durability, protection, and a beautiful finish for your artwork. When selecting a sealant, consider the specific requirements of your project, including the desired finish and the intended use of the painted object.

Follow the recommended application techniques, using smooth and even strokes, and allow each layer to dry completely before applying additional coats. It’s crucial to ensure that the paint is thoroughly dry before sealing to prevent any moisture or humidity from affecting the final result. By taking these steps, you can enjoy vibrant and long-lasting acrylic paint finishes on your wooden objects.

Whether you’re painting furniture, picture frames, or other wooden surfaces, sealing the acrylic paint without varnish using the appropriate sealant will not only protect your artwork but also enhance its aesthetic appeal. The right sealant can provide a glossy, matte, or satin finish, depending on your preference, while safeguarding the paint from chipping, peeling, and wear and tear.

So, remember to choose the most suitable sealant for your project, carefully follow the application instructions, and allow sufficient drying time between each coat. With proper sealing techniques, you can ensure the longevity and beauty of your acrylic paint on wood, allowing you to enjoy your creations for years to come.


How can I seal acrylic paint on wood without using varnish?

There are several options for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces without using varnish. Some alternatives include polycrylic finish, Mod Podge, spray sealant, and water-based polyurethane.

How do I seal acrylic paint on wood?

To seal acrylic paint on wood, you can use a polycrylic finish, varnish, Mod Podge, spray sealant, or water-based polyurethane. Apply the sealant with even, smooth strokes, allowing each layer to dry completely before applying additional coats.

What is a polycrylic finish and how do I apply it?

A polycrylic finish is a protective topcoat that can be applied over acrylic paint on wood surfaces. It is easy to apply with a brush, and you should allow each coat to dry before applying more if needed.

Can I use varnish to seal acrylic paint on wood?

Yes, varnish is a transparent protective coating that can effectively seal acrylic paint on wood. Apply it with long, even strokes in a horizontal direction, allowing each coat to dry before applying more.

What is Mod Podge and how do I use it to seal acrylic paint?

Mod Podge is a versatile glue, sealant, and varnish. It is commonly used to seal acrylic paint on wood. Apply Mod Podge in even layers with a foam brush, allowing each layer to dry before applying more.

What is the best spray sealant for sealing acrylic paint on wood?

Krylon Crystal Clear is a recommended spray sealant for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces. Shake the can thoroughly, spray evenly over the wood from a distance, and allow it to dry completely.

How can I use water-based polyurethane to seal acrylic paint on wood?

Water-based polyurethane, such as Varathane Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, can be used to seal acrylic paint on wood. Apply it with a thick bristle brush in smooth, even strokes and allow each coat to dry before applying more.

What factors should I consider when choosing a sealant for acrylic paint on wood?

Consider factors such as the desired finish, the location of the painted object, and the level of protection required when choosing a sealant for acrylic paint on wood.

What are some tips for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces?

Some tips for sealing acrylic paint on wood surfaces include applying thin, even coats of sealant, allowing each layer to dry completely before applying more, using smooth brush strokes or even spray coverage, and working in a well-ventilated area when using spray sealants.

How can I preserve acrylic painted wood objects?

To preserve acrylic painted wood objects, avoid placing objects directly on top of each other to prevent scratches, clean painted surfaces with a soft cloth and mild soap, store painted objects in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, avoid exposing painted surfaces to extreme temperatures or moisture, and handle painted objects with care to prevent chipping or peeling of the paint.

Is it necessary to seal acrylic paint on wood?

While it is not mandatory to seal acrylic paint on wood, it is highly recommended for enhanced durability and protection. Sealing acrylic paint on wood helps prevent chipping, peeling, and damage from exposure to the elements and regular wear and tear.

How do I summarize the process of sealing acrylic paint without varnish?

Sealing acrylic paint on wood without varnish can be done using alternative methods such as polycrylic finish, Mod Podge, spray sealant, or water-based polyurethane. Each method requires applying the sealant with even, smooth strokes and allowing each layer to dry before applying more.