Can a Hairdryer Speed Up Acrylic Paint Drying?

  • By: Michael Smith
  • Time to read: 12 min.
Michael Smith
I'm Michael Smith, the founder and creative director of Art and Drawing. With over a decade of experience in the art and design industry, my keen eye for detail and passion for creating inspiring artwork drive my work. I'm dedicated to capturing the world's beauty through vibrant, expressive pieces that spark imagination and emotion.

Acrylic paint drying can be a time-consuming process, especially if you’re working on a deadline or want to move on to the next stage of your painting. Many people wonder if using a hairdryer can speed up the drying time of acrylic paint. While it is possible to use a hairdryer, there are certain factors to consider to ensure the best results.

Key Takeaways:

  • Using a hairdryer on acrylic paint can help speed up the drying process.
  • Factors such as paint thickness, temperature, and humidity levels can affect drying time.
  • Proper technique, like applying thin layers and using the cool setting on the dryer, is crucial for the best results.
  • Other techniques, like increasing air circulation and room temperature, can also aid in quick drying.
  • Opting for fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums can further enhance the drying time.

Understanding Acrylic Paint Properties

Acrylic paint is a versatile and widely-used medium in the art world. It is made by suspending pigment particles in an acrylic polymer, creating a smooth and vibrant paint that dries quickly. In the United States, you might often hear the term “latex paint,” which is essentially the same as acrylic paint but with a different name.

Both acrylic and latex paint are considered emulsions, meaning they are a mixture of two or more immiscible substances. In this case, the emulsion consists of tiny plastic molecules dispersed in water. This unique composition gives acrylic paint its distinct properties and allows it to adhere well to various surfaces.

One of the main advantages of acrylic paint is its fast drying time. When exposed to air, the water in the paint evaporates, leaving behind a layer of dried acrylic. This quick drying time allows artists to work efficiently and layer colors more easily compared to other types of paint.

Acrylic Paint Properties Comparison

To better understand the unique characteristics of acrylic paint, let’s compare it to its counterpart, latex paint:

Acrylic Paint Latex Paint
Acrylic polymer-based Acrylic polymer-based
Fast-drying Fast-drying
Water-soluble Water-soluble
Widely used in the art industry Commonly used for interior and exterior house painting

As you can see, the properties of acrylic paint and latex paint are similar, making them suitable for various applications. The key difference lies in their intended use, with acrylic paint primarily used in artistic and creative endeavors, while latex paint is more commonly used for residential and commercial painting projects.

Understanding the unique properties of acrylic paint is crucial when considering the use of a hairdryer to speed up the drying process. The composition of acrylic paint allows it to react differently to heat, making it important to approach the drying process with care and caution.

Factors Affecting Acrylic Paint Drying Time

When it comes to drying time, there are several factors that can affect how long it takes for acrylic paint to fully dry. These factors include:

  1. Thickness of the paint layers: The thickness of the paint layers plays a significant role in determining the drying time. Thin layers of acrylic paint can dry in a matter of minutes, allowing you to continue working on your piece quickly. On the other hand, thicker layers of paint may take several hours or even days to fully cure. So, if you’re in a rush or want faster drying times, it’s advisable to apply thinner coats of paint.
  2. Temperature: The ambient temperature in which you’re working can impact the drying time of acrylic paint. Warmer temperatures tend to accelerate the drying process, while colder temperatures can slow it down. Therefore, if you’re looking to speed up the drying time, consider working in a room with a slightly higher temperature.
  3. Humidity levels: Humidity levels can also affect how quickly acrylic paint dries. High humidity can prolong the drying time, as moisture in the air slows down the evaporation of water from the paint. Conversely, low humidity can help facilitate faster drying. To control the drying time, try to work in a well-ventilated area or use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture in the air.
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By understanding these factors, you can have better control over the drying time of your acrylic paint and adjust your techniques accordingly. Remember, if you’re using a hairdryer to speed up the drying process, these factors will still play a role in the overall effectiveness of the hairdryer method.

Having a clear understanding of the factors that affect acrylic paint drying time is crucial for any artist. By considering the thickness of paint layers, the temperature of the environment, and the humidity levels, you can optimize the drying process and achieve the desired results in a timely manner.

Using a Hairdryer to Dry Acrylic Paint

When it comes to drying acrylic paint quickly, using a hairdryer can be a helpful tool. However, it is important to follow the correct technique to ensure the best results. Applying heat from a hairdryer can speed up the drying process, especially for very thin layers of paint. To effectively use a hairdryer, consider the following:

  1. Apply thin layers of paint: Thicker layers of paint take longer to dry, so applying thin coats will allow for faster drying times.
  2. Use the cool setting: Set the hairdryer to the cool or low heat setting to dry the paint without causing any issues. High heat can lead to problems like cracking or paint release, so it’s best to avoid it.

Pro Tip: By using thin layers and the cool setting on your hairdryer, you can speed up the drying time of your acrylic paint without compromising the quality of your artwork.

Remember to keep the hairdryer at a safe distance from the painting surface to avoid accidentally smudging or blowing off wet paint. By using the correct technique, a hairdryer can be a useful tool to expedite the drying process of your acrylic paint.

Next, let’s explore some other techniques and tips for quick acrylic paint drying.

Best Method to Dry Acrylic Paint with a Hairdryer

To effectively dry acrylic paint with a hairdryer, the best method is to apply thin layers of paint and use the cool setting on the dryer. By using thin coats of paint, you can significantly speed up the drying process without compromising the quality of your artwork.

Applying multiple thin coats of paint allows each layer to dry faster, ensuring a smoother painting process. It also reduces the risk of thick layers taking longer to dry, which can lead to cracking or uneven drying.

When using a hairdryer, be sure to set it on the cool setting. The cool air will gently dry the paint without applying excessive heat, which could cause the paint to bubble or become uneven.

This method is particularly effective for small to medium-sized paintings or projects, where thin layers can be easily applied and dried. For larger paintings, it may be more practical to let the paint air dry or use other drying techniques such as increasing air circulation or using a dehumidifier in the room.

Summary of Best Method to Dry Acrylic Paint with a Hairdryer:

  1. Apply thin layers of paint
  2. Set the hairdryer to the cool setting
  3. Dry each layer before applying the next one

By following these simple steps, you can effectively use a hairdryer to speed up the drying time of acrylic paint and continue working on your artwork without long waiting periods.

Other Tips for Quick Acrylic Paint Drying

In addition to using a hairdryer, there are other techniques you can try to speed up the drying time of acrylic paint. These techniques can be particularly helpful when you’re working on a project with strict deadlines or simply want to move on to the next stage of your painting.

Here are some additional tips to help you expedite the drying process:

  1. Increase air flow and room temperature: Improving air circulation and raising the temperature in your workspace can help accelerate the drying time of acrylic paint. Consider using fans or opening windows to increase air movement. Additionally, turning up the heat in your workspace can aid in faster drying.
  2. Consider using a heat gun: Using a heat gun can provide a more targeted and intense source of heat compared to a hairdryer. However, it’s important to use the heat gun on a low setting and keep it at a safe distance from your artwork to avoid damaging the paint or causing it to bubble.
  3. Opt for fast-drying acrylic paints or mediums: Some brands offer fast-drying acrylic paints or mediums that are specifically formulated to dry more quickly. These products can be a great option if you need to complete your painting within a shorter timeframe. They can help reduce the overall drying time and enable you to add additional layers or details sooner.
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By implementing these techniques in addition to using a hairdryer, you can effectively speed up the drying time of your acrylic paint. Experiment with different methods and find the combination that works best for your specific needs and preferences.

Preventing Acrylic Paint from Drying Too Slowly

Sometimes, acrylic paint can be frustratingly slow to dry, especially when you’re eager to continue your artistic journey. Thankfully, there are a few simple precautions you can take to prevent your acrylic paint from drying too slowly and ensure that your creative flow remains uninterrupted.

Proper Storage

One of the key ways to prevent slow drying is to store your acrylic paint properly. Make sure to tightly close containers and tubes after each use to minimize air exposure. This helps preserve the paint’s consistency and prevents it from drying out prematurely.

Control Humidity

Humidity can greatly affect the drying time of acrylic paint. High humidity levels tend to slow down the drying process, while low humidity speeds it up. To create an optimal environment for your paint to dry, monitor the humidity levels in your workspace. Consider using a dehumidifier if you live in a humid area to keep the moisture at a controlled level.

“By storing your paint properly and controlling humidity levels, you can prevent acrylic paint from drying too slowly, allowing you to continue creating without any unnecessary delays.”

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your acrylic paint dries in a timely manner, empowering you to focus on your artistic expression rather than waiting for the paint to dry.

Fast-Drying Acrylic Paint Brands and Mediums

If you’re looking for acrylic paint brands and mediums that dry faster than others, there are several options available. Some popular choices include Liquitex Professional Spray Paint, Golden Open Acrylics, and Atelier Interactive Acrylics. These products are specifically formulated to dry faster, allowing artists to work more efficiently.

Using fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums can be beneficial for artists who need quicker drying times. These products provide the advantage of a shorter wait time, allowing you to proceed with your artwork without delay. With fast-drying options, you can layer your paint, add intricate details, or make adjustments to your composition without the worry of waiting for extended drying periods.

Whether you’re a professional artist working on tight deadlines or an enthusiastic hobbyist looking for faster results, fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums can greatly enhance your painting process.

Here’s a comparison table of the features and drying times of these fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums:

Brand/Medium Drying Time Features
Liquitex Professional Spray Paint Rapid drying within minutes – Convenient spray format
– Wide range of vibrant colors
– Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use
Golden Open Acrylics Extended drying time compared to traditional acrylics – Longer working time
– Blendable and reworkable
– Ideal for artists who prefer slow-drying acrylics
Atelier Interactive Acrylics Flexible drying time – Allows for wet-in-wet techniques
– Can be reactivated with water
– Provides extended working time

With these fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums, you can unleash your creativity without the constraints of lengthy drying times. Choose the option that best suits your artistic style and enjoy the freedom to create with efficiency and precision.

Thin Your Acrylic Paint

One effective way to speed up the drying process of acrylic paint is to thin it. Thinning acrylic paint with water or an acrylic medium can help achieve the desired consistency and promote faster drying.

When thinning acrylic paint, it’s important to find the right balance. Adding too much water can break down the paint’s structure and affect its adhesion and durability. It’s recommended to use a medium for significant thinning, as it helps maintain the paint’s integrity while allowing for faster drying times.

Using a medium not only helps thin the paint but also offers additional benefits. For example, certain acrylic mediums can extend the workability of the paint, making it easier to blend and create smooth transitions. They can also enhance the paint’s adhesion to the surface and improve its overall finish.

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If you prefer a more transparent effect, you can thin your acrylic paint with water. This is particularly useful when working on glazes or washes, where a translucent layer allows the layers beneath to show through. Keep in mind that thinning with water may affect the paint’s pigment intensity, so it’s essential to experiment and find the right ratio for your desired effect.

Regardless of whether you choose to thin your acrylic paint with water or an acrylic medium, remember to mix thoroughly. Use a palette knife or brush to blend the paint and thinner evenly, ensuring a consistent texture and eliminating any potential lumps or bubbles.

Thinning Acrylic Paint: Recommended Ratios

If you’re unsure about the ideal ratio for thinning acrylic paint, here are some general guidelines:

Ratio Effect
1 part paint : 1 part water/medium Mild thinning for subtle texture
1 part paint : 2 parts water/medium Medium thinning for transparent layers
1 part paint : 4 parts water/medium Significant thinning for washes or glazes

Remember, these ratios are just starting points, and the optimal ratio may vary depending on the brand and consistency of your acrylic paint. It’s always a good idea to conduct small tests on a separate surface to determine the ideal thinning ratio for your specific needs.

Thinning acrylic paint not only accelerates drying times but also provides artists with a wider range of application techniques. It allows for increased transparency, glazing effects, and smoother layering. Experimenting with different thinning methods can unlock new artistic possibilities and enhance your overall painting experience.


Using a hairdryer can be an effective method to speed up the drying time of acrylic paint. However, it’s crucial to use the proper technique and consider the paint’s properties to achieve the best results. To optimize the drying process, remember to apply thin layers of paint. This allows for faster drying while maintaining the quality of your artwork.

When using a hairdryer, be sure to set it to the cool setting. This prevents the paint from drying too quickly on the surface while the layers underneath are still wet, which can lead to cracking or paint release. By using the cool setting, you can safely expedite the drying process without compromising the integrity of your work.

In addition to using a hairdryer, there are other drying techniques you can implement to speed up the process. Increase air flow and room temperature to promote faster drying. You can also consider using a heat gun on a low setting or opting for fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums. These alternatives can further enhance the drying time and help you meet your deadlines.

To achieve faster acrylic paint drying, it’s essential to follow these tips and experiment with different methods. By utilizing thin layers, a cool hairdryer setting, and other drying techniques, you can enhance your painting experience and achieve quicker results. Remember to choose fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums and explore various drying techniques to find the approach that works best for you.


Can I use a hairdryer to dry acrylic paint?

Yes, it is possible to use a hairdryer to speed up the drying time of acrylic paint. However, there are certain factors to consider to ensure the best results.

What are the factors that affect acrylic paint drying time?

The factors that affect the drying time of acrylic paint include the thickness of the paint layers, temperature, and humidity levels.

How should I use a hairdryer to dry acrylic paint?

To effectively use a hairdryer, apply thin layers of paint and use the cool setting to dry the paint without causing any issues.

Are there other techniques to speed up acrylic paint drying?

Yes, other techniques to speed up acrylic paint drying include increasing air flow and room temperature, using a heat gun on a low setting, and opting for fast-drying acrylic paints or mediums.

How can I prevent acrylic paint from drying too slowly?

To prevent acrylic paint from drying too slowly, it’s important to store the paint properly by tightly closing containers and tubes after each use, and monitoring humidity levels.

Are there fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums available?

Yes, some popular fast-drying acrylic paint brands and mediums include Liquitex Professional Spray Paint, Golden Open Acrylics, and Atelier Interactive Acrylics.

Should I thin my acrylic paint for faster drying times?

Yes, thinning acrylic paint with water or an acrylic medium can help achieve the desired consistency and promote faster drying.